
Display sections inside tasks. Sections are defined with date and smartly follow tasks and magnet on changes.


angular.module('myApp', ['gantt', 'gantt.sections']);
<div gantt>
    <gantt-sections enabled="..." keep-proportions="..." disable-magnet="..." disable-daily="..."></gantt-sections>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-gantt-sections.css">



Sections are defined inside Task object.

  // Inside Task object
  sections: {
    keepProportions: true/false, // Override plugin configuration (Optional).
    disableMagnet: true/false, // Override plugin configuration (Optional).
    disableDaily: true/false, // Override plugin configuration (Optional).
    items: [
        from: <Date>, // Date can be a String, Timestamp, Date object or moment object.
        to: <Date>, // Date can be a String, Timestamp, Date object or moment object.
        classes: <Array|String> // Array or String of class names which should be applied to the section. See ng-class documentation for details (Optional).